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!Chapter I: The Appalling Thought
It’s the summer of ‘69. <<timed 1s transition>>2069.<</timed>>
It’s crazy how much things have changed since 2022.
You would’ve never imagined that you’ll be living in [[a world]] like this.
<img src= "images/bottomofsea.png" alt="Bottom of the Sea" width="900" height="500">
<video src="videos/intro.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "intro" volume 0.2 play loop>><video src="videos/planet.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
After all that it has been through, the world’s never been better.
It’s finally at peace.
No more <<timed 2s transition>>pandemics.<</timed>>
No more <<timed 3s transition>>deadly diseases.<</timed>>
No more <<timed 4s transition>>climate changes.<</timed>>
No more <<timed 5s transition>>zombie apocalypses.<</timed>>
The same goes for [[YOU]]
You’re successful.
You’re healthy.
You’re energetic.
You’re strong.
You’re surrounded by many friends and family who love you and bring joy to your life.
Yet there’s something that’s constantly on your mind and no matter how hard you try to erase it.
[[You just can’t]] and it drives you insane...
<video src="videos/insane.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video><video src="videos/thinking.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You think about it every morning.
Every Christmas.
It’s been [[47 years]] since you’ve last seen it.
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "suspensfulmusic" volume 0.2 play loop>>
47 years ago, all of a sudden, animals started to talk, to be rational, to behave just like humans.
It’s still an enigma of what happened back then…
Now they go to work, they go to school, they live in the city, they drive Teslas.
It’s like they were humanized.
What’s more, as if that wasn’t bizarre enough, is that they didn’t remember anything about before.
And everyone was too scared to tell them about the way things looked for them in the past.
No one knew how they would react to that.
What if they would turn against people?
Ever since then, no one dared to treat them the way they used to.
[[You hated that this happened]]
[[You were happy that this happened]]
Because from there on, you were no longer able to eat... <<timed 1s transition>>![[MEAT]]<</timed>>
You’ve always considered animals your friends.
The only thing that distinguished the two of you was the capacity to talk.
But not anymore.
Now, you laugh with them, travel with them, cook with them, work with them.
You finally understand each other.
But there’s this appalling thought that you have about...
<<timed 3s transition>>![[MEAT]]<</timed>>
Every day you have to pretend that you’re fine when you’re not really fine but you can’t say that you crave meat because no one would understand...
And the hardest is when you’re around your best friends, [[Chickita]] and HolyCow.
<video src="videos/chickita.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You and Chickita have been friends for more than 47 years. So long before she was able to talk. It was so fascinating to finally understand her and see what kind of personality she has. She’s a chicken if you couldn’t already tell. She's very curious about things and likes to learn new things. But she’s also quite sensitive and gets scared pretty easily. Luckily she doesn’t have many reasons to be scared in this world. You call her 'chica' because she loves dancing salsa and listening to Spanish music. She makes you laugh a lot and is there for you when you’re upset. You would never do anything that would hurt her or [[HolyCow]].
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">Chickens and humans are more alike than you think. To be more precise, humans are 60% the same as chickens. [[Read more about how chickens are anxious, handle loss and have a complex range of emotions.|]]</div>
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "chicken" volume 0.2 play loop>><video src="videos/holycow.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You and HolyCow have also been best friends for more than 47 years. When she got the chance to show her personality she was exactly the same as how you thought she would be. She's very social and hates being alone. Luckily, she has a select group of close friends so she’s always surrounded by someone. She’s also very gracious and flexible and does yoga, Pilates and ballet. So all the time she’s very zen and she looks like she’s sleeping while she's standing up but she's not. She's just meditating. Another quality of hers is that she’s very caring, like a mother. She’s always been there for you. And you [[care a lot]] about her as well.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">Not many know that cows get depressed, mourn the loss of a close friend and have advanced communication systems. [[Find out more about how cows relate to people.|]]</div>
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "cow" volume 0.2 play loop>>You can’t picture your life without your best friends.
That’s why you don’t want them to know anything about the past life and you decide to keep it that way.
So to try and distract your mind from this dark thought you usually
[[Go for a walk in the forest]]
[[Go for a swim in the ocean]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "sadsong" volume 0.2 play loop>>Although you follow the same track each morning there’s something different about today.
<video src="videos/forest.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You feel it in the air.
[[It’s pollution]]
[[It’s pollen]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "forest" volume 0.2 play loop>>
Although you go for the same swim each morning there’s something different about today.
<video src="videos/waves.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You feel it in the water.
It is
[[The temperature]]
[[The volume]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "swim" volume 0.2 play loop>><video src="videos/smell.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
No, it’s not pollution.
The air quality hasn’t been more than 1 since [[47 years ago]].
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">Around 13,100 deaths as a result of air pollution could be prevented every year. [[Learn more about the biggest source that’s causing air pollution.|]]</div>
<<audio "smell" volume 0.5 play>><video src="videos/sneeze.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You sneeze.
Your allergies are back.
At least it’s not pollution.
[[47 years ago]] years ago you had to wear a gas mask every time you were out.
But ever since then the air quality hasn’t been more than 1.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">Around 13,100 deaths as a result of air pollution could be prevented every year. [[Learn more about the biggest source that’s causing air pollution.|]]</div>
<<audio "sneeze" volume 0.5 play>>2022 was also the year the trees that are today in the forest were planted.
Before that you would hardly see a tree.
At some point you even forgot how one looks like.
<video src="videos/deforestation.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">Forests regulate carbon in the atmosphere and help ecosystems thrive. Without them, the water we drink, the food we eat and the air we breathe is negatively impacted. [[Find out what’s the biggest thing that can reduce up to 55% of deforestation.|]]</div>
You realize the trees are younger than you.
Feeling old yet?
But you don’t mind being older them.
At least now you have a forest which you can admire and where you can go and disconnect for a moment.
Plus, you haven’t aged a bit.
You could even say you feel immortal.
<span class="reddish">WAIT</span>
Is it possible that you might be a vampire???
<video src="videos/vampire.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You have to find out if this could be true
[[Find garlic and see if its pungent smell deters you]]
[[Find a crucifix and holy water and see if they scare you]]
<video src="videos/garlic.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
While searching for garlic you trip on something.
[[Pick it up]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "vampire" volume 0.2 play loop>><video src="videos/holyitems.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
While searching for holy items you trip on something.
[[Pick it up]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "vampire" volume 0.2 play loop>>It’s a treasure chest.
[[Open it]]
<video src="videos/treasurechest.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "treasure" volume 0.2 play loop>><video src="videos/map.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
It’s a map to the Temple of Meat.
You can’t believe that a place like this exists.
You have to go there.
You’ll finally be able to cure your obsession about meat.
[[You rush home to pack some things and go on the adventure]]
!Chapter II: No control
You shove in a suitcase the most important things that come into your mind.
You can only fit one more thing.
[[Finger hands]] in case someone asks you to give them a hand.
[[A buttress pillow]] in case you'll have an uncomfortable seat.
<video src="videos/whichone.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "transition" volume 0.2 play >>No it can’t be.
The ocean’s haven’t been polluted since 2022.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">"Ammonia, a toxic form of nitrogen released in gas form during waste disposal, can be carried more than 300 miles through the air before being dumped back onto the ground or into the water, where it causes algal blooms and fish kills." [[Find out what is the biggest source polluting our oceans.|]]</div>
<img src= "images/bottomofsea.png" alt="Bottom of the Sea" width="900" height="500">
Plus the water is crystal clear.
You see the bottom of the ocean in 4K.
[[You swim far into the ocean]]Is the water boiling?
No, it can’t be.
The ocean’s temperature has been stable ever since 2022.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">"The rising atmospheric temperature is raising global ocean temperatures leading to widespread coral bleaching. Bleaching slows coral growth, makes them susceptible to disease, and leads to large-scale reef die-off." [[Find out what is the leading cause of this issue.|]]</div>
Plus you take out your thermometer and measure.
<video src="videos/temperature.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
The water’s temperature is just perfect.
[[You swim far into the ocean]]Is there less water than it was yesterday?
No it can’t be.
The ocean’s volume has been stable ever since 2022.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">"Nearly 1/3 (29%) of all the fresh water in the world today" is being used irrationally. [[Find out what it is the most water intensive practice.|]]</div>
<img src= "images/bottomofsea.png" alt="Bottom of the Sea" width="900" height="600">
Plus you can't touch the bottom so there must be more water.
[[You swim far into the ocean]]You remember you want to pick some algae for your breakfast.
You want to make a
[[Chuna sandwich]]
[[Spirulina smoothie]]
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">"Seaweed farming is often considered as the least environmentally damaging form of aquaculture. Requires little or no input of fertilisers, fresh water resources, or medicines. It gets all it needs from its’ environment. Nori is an excellent source of iodine and might help reduce cholesterol levels. Iodine is an essential micronutrient because your body cannot make iodine – and it is essential for the production of thyroid hormones." [[Learn more about the benefits of nori and why you should consume it.|]]</div>
You go under the water to look for some nori.
<video src="videos/underwater.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
<div class="fact">Bonus</div><div class="facts">[[Recipe for a delicious chuna sandwhich.|]]</div>
You see something.
Is that a
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "underwater" volume 0.2 play loop>><div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">"Spirulina is one of the world’s most environmentally efficient crops. It produces twenty times more protein per acre than other commonly grown crops such as corn and even soybeans while using ten times less water to produce it. Algae can be grown quickly, almost anywhere, and in a way that reduces greenhouse gases without putting pressure on the environment. Spirulina is crowned a superfood due to the high concentration of vitamins, including vitamins A, C, E and B vitamins, as well as minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc and selenium." [[Learn more about this sutainable superfood.|]]</div>
You go under the water to look for some spirulina.
<video src="videos/underwater.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
<div class="bonus">Bonus</div><div class="facts">[[Recipe for a delicious spirulina smoothie.|]]</div>
You see something.
Is that a...
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "underwater" volume 0.2 play loop>><video src="videos/shark.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You think
[[OMG I’m gonna die]]
[[Ok don’t panick]]
<<audio "shark" volume 0.5 play>><video src="videos/dolphin.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You think
[[So cute I want to pet him]]
[[OMG I’m gonna die!]]
<<audio "dolphin" volume 0.5 play>>@@.fade-in-out;<span class="reddish">False alarm</span>@@
You remember that many marine species including sharks went extinct 47 years ago.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">"Shark populations have declined by more than 70% over the past 50 years." Additionally, more than 90 species of marine fishes are threatened with extinction, according to a report published by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). [[Find out what’s the source leading to their extinction.|]]</div>
It’s just a messenger bottle.
[[You open it]]
<video src="videos/bottle.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>@@.fade-in-out;<span class="reddish">False alarm</span>@@
You remember that many marine species including sharks went extinct 47 years ago.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">"Shark populations have declined by more than 70% over the past 50 years." Additionally, more than 90 species of marine fishes are threatened with extinction, according to a report published by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). [[Find out what’s the source leading to their extinction.|]]</div>
It’s just a messenger bottle.
[[You open it]]
<video src="videos/bottle.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>@@.fade-in-out;<span class="reddish">False alarm</span>@@
You remember that many marine species including dolphins went extinct 47 years ago.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">[["90% of dolphins are being killed."|]] Additionally, more than 90 species of marine fishes are threatened with extinction, according to a report published by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). [[Find out what’s the source leading to their extinction.|]]</div>
It’s just a messenger bottle.
[[You open it]]
<video src="videos/bottle.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video><video src="videos/map.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
It’s a map to the Temple of Meat.
You can’t believe that a place like this exists.
You have to go there.
You’ll finally be able to cure your obsession about meat.
[[You rush home to pack some things and go on the adventure]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "swim" volume 0.2 play loop>><<audio "bottle" volume 0.5 play>><<audio "treasure" volume 0.2 play >>@@.fade-in-out;<span class="reddish">False alarm</span>@@
You remember that many marine species including dolphins went extinct 47 years ago.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">[["90% of dolphins are being killed."|]] Additionally, more than 90 species of marine fishes are threatened with extinction, according to a report published by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). [[Find out what’s the source leading to their extinction.|]]</div>
It’s just a messenger bottle.
[[You open it]]
<video src="videos/bottle.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
<video src="videos/luggage.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You’re ready to go.
But you realize you didn’t have breakfast and coffee.
[[You can’t leave with low energy]]
[[You just want to get going]]
<<audio "zipper" volume 0.5 play >><video src="videos/luggage.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You’re ready to go.
But you realize you didn’t have breakfast and coffee.
[[You can’t leave with low energy]]
[[You just want to get going]]
<<audio "zipper" volume 0.5 play >>Someone knocks on your door.
<video src="videos/door.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
It's one of your best friends
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "knock" volume 0.2 play loop>><video src="videos/door.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
Right as you open the door to leave...
It's one of your best friends
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "door" volume 0.5 play >><div class="characters">‘Hi! I’ve called you like a thousand times this morning. I was worried and went to look for you in the forest and the ocean. Where are you going all packed up?’</div>
You can’t tell her where you’re going…
You have to lie to her.
‘I’m going on a self-discovery trip’
<div class="characters">‘Wow you haven’t told me you were planning it. That’s amazing! I’m happy for you! It’s on my bucket list as well! Before you go, let’s have [[breakfast]] together! I'll make you something delicious!’</div>
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "meet" volume 0.5 play loop >>
<div class="characters">‘Hi! I’ve called you like a thousand times this morning. I was worried and went to look for you in the forest and in the ocean. Where are you going all packed up?’</div>
You can’t tell her where you’re going…
You have to lie to her.
‘I’m going on a self-discovery trip’
<div class="characters">‘Wow you haven’t told me you were planning it. That’s amazing! I’m happy for you! It’s on my bucket list as well! Before you go, let’s have a [[coffee]] together! You know I make the best coffee!’</div>
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "meet" volume 0.5 play loop >><div class="characters">‘I'll make you an omelet with avocado on sourdough toast?’</div>
<video src="videos/tofu.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
<div class="characters">‘Which one would you like?’</div>
[[Chickpea omelet]]
[[Tofu omelet]]
@@.fade-in-out;Dark thoughts coming through.@@
[[‘I want one from your eggs’]]
<video src="videos/omelet.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
<div class="characters">‘There you go!’</div>
<div class="fact">Bonus</div><div class="facts">[[Recipe for a delicious chickpea omelet|]]</div>
<div class="characters">‘It’s so good! Who would’ve thought chickpea flour combined with water would be so delish. Genius if you ask me!’</div>
@@.fade-in-out;Dark thoughts won't leave you.@@
[[‘I’d so rather have the other type of omelet’]]
<<audio "toaster" volume 0.5 play >><video src="videos/omelet.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
<div class="characters">‘There you go!’</div>
<div class="fact">Bonus</div><div class="facts">[[Recipe for a delicious tofu omelet|]]</div>
<div class="characters">‘It’s so good! Who would’ve thought tofu combined with turmeric would be so delish. Genius if you ask me!’</div>
@@.fade-in-out;Dark thoughts won't leave you.@@
[[‘I’d so rather have the other type of omelet.’]]
<<audio "toaster" volume 0.5 play >><div class="characters">‘What are you talking about?’</div>
‘Humans used to eat eggs.’
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">"Eggs have long been popular among health-conscious people because of their high-quality protein. They’re one of the most important foods when you want to grow muscles and get strong, right? But we are missing something important." [[Find out what it is that you might not know about eggs.|]]</div>
<div class="characters">‘What are you saying?’</div>
‘Humans ate omelet made out of chicken eggs.’
<div class="characters">‘Wait… You’re saying that humans used to eat pre-mature babies?!’</div>
'Eggs were a source of protein.'
<div class="characters">‘But chickpeas have protein as well as [[fiber, iron and calcium|]]. Plus, why would you do that when you can just mix chickpea flour with water?’</div>
<div class="characters">‘Are you okay?’
‘Here! Have this chickpea omelet before you think of something like eating me…’
‘You’re not you when you’re hungry…’</div>
<video src="videos/omelet.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You say your goodbyes and get on the road.
<video src="videos/car.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
[[a few hours later|breakfast2]]<div class="characters">‘What are you talking about?’</div>
‘Humans used to eat eggs’
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">“Eggs have long been popular among health-conscious people because of their high-quality protein. They’re one of the most important foods when you want to grow muscles and get strong, right? But we are missing something important.” [[Find out what it is that you might not know about eggs.|]]</div>
<div class="characters">‘What are you saying?’</div>
‘Humans ate omelet made out of chicken eggs.’
<div class="characters">‘Wait… You’re saying that humans used to eat pre-mature babies?!’</div>
'Eggs were a source of protein.'
<div class="characters">‘But chickpeas have protein as well as [[fiber, iron and calcium|]]. Plus, why would you eat that when you can just mix chickpea flour with water?’</div>
<div class="characters">‘Are you okay?’
‘Eat your chickpea omelet before you think of something like eating me…’
‘You’re not you when you’re hungry…’</div>
You say your goodbyes and get on the road.
<video src="videos/car.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
[[a few hours later|breakfast2]]<div class="characters">‘What are you talking about?’</div>
‘Humans used to eat eggs’
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">“Eggs have long been popular among health-conscious people because of their high-quality protein. They’re one of the most important foods when you want to grow muscles and get strong, right? But we are missing something important.” [[Find out what it is that you might not know about eggs.|]]</div>
<div class="characters">‘What are you saying?’</div>
‘Humans ate omelet made out of chicken eggs.’
<div class="characters">‘Wait… You’re saying that humans used to eat pre-mature babies?!’</div>
'Eggs were a source of protein.'
<div class="characters">‘But tofu has protein as well as [[essential amino acids|]]. Plus, why would you eat that when you can just mix tofu with turmeric?’</div>
<div class="characters">‘Are you okay?’
‘Eat your tofu omelet before you think of something like eating me…’
‘You’re not you when you’re hungry…’</div>
You say your goodbyes and get on the road.
<video src="videos/car.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
[[a few hours later|breakfast2]]
!Chapter III: A sweet treat
It’s been 2 hours 34 minutes and 3 seconds since you’ve been on the road.
Coffee is already running out of your system.
You’re craving something sweet.
You stop on the side of the road to get a sweet snack.
<video src="videos/snack.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
In front of you there’s an apple tree, an agave plant and a beehive.
[[Pick apples from the tree]]
[[Get some honey from the bees]]
[[Pick the agave plant]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "beesbackground" volume 0.2 play loop>><video src="videos/milk.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
<div class="characters">‘Which kind of milk would you like?’</div>
[[Almond milk]]
[[Oat milk]]
[[Coconut milk]]
@@.fade-in-out;Dark thoughts coming through.@@
[[I would like your milk]]
<video src="videos/coffee.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
<div class="characters">'There you go!'
'The almond milk is so delicious! Who would’ve thought blending almonds with water would be so delicious! Genius if you ask me!'</div>
<div class="fact">Bonus</div><div class="facts">[[Recipe for delicious simple homemade almond milk.|]]</div>
@@.fade-in-out;Dark thoughts won't leave you.@@
[[The other type of milk was more delicious|almond]]
<<audio "coffee" volume 0.5 play >><video src="videos/coffee.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
<div class="characters">'There you go!'
'The almond milk is so delicious! Who would’ve thought blending oats with water would be so delicious! Genius if you ask me!'</div>
<div class="fact">Bonus</div><div class="facts">[[Recipe for delicious simple homemade oat milk.|]]</div>
@@.fade-in-out;Dark thoughts won't leave you.@@
[[The other type of milk was more delicious|oat]]
<<audio "coffee" volume 0.5 play >><video src="videos/coffee.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
<div class="characters">'There you go!'
'The almond milk is so delicious! Who would’ve thought blending coconut with water would be so delicious! Genius if you ask me!'</div>
<div class="fact">Bonus</div><div class="facts">[[Recipe for delicious and simple homemade coconut milk.|]]</div>
@@.fade-in-out;Dark thoughts won't leave you.@@
[[The other type of milk was more delicious|coconut]]
<<audio "coffee" volume 0.5 play >><div class="characters">‘What are you talking about?’</div>
‘Humans used to drink cow’s milk.’
<div class="characters">‘What? So you’re saying people used to pretend they were baby cows or what?</div>
<div class="characters">‘What were the babies drinking then?’</div>
‘Human babies were drinking it as well.’
<div class="characters">‘Wait! Human babies were drinking milk from someone else’s mother?’
‘I was referring to the cow’s babies. Isn’t that how it works? The mother feeds its baby. The milk is meant for the baby not for anyone else.’</div>
Fact: “Humans didn’t start out being able to digest animal milk” In fact, 68% of the world’s population has lactose malabsorption. Find out why so many people are intolerant to milk and about the outcome of drinking milk
<div class="characters">‘So basically you’re saying that babies drank milk from others' mothers and that adults pretended they were baby cows.’
‘That’s absurd… It doesn’t make any sense! Plus why would you do that when you can just mix almonds with water?’</div>
<div class="characters">‘Are you okay?’</div>
<div class="characters">'Here! Have this almond milk coffee before you think of something like eating me…'
'You’re not you without a coffee…'</div>
<video src="videos/coffee.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You say your goodbyes and get on the road.
<video src="videos/car.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
[[a few hours later|coffee2]]<div class="characters">‘What are you talking about?’</div>
‘Humans used to drink cow’s milk.’
<div class="characters">‘What? So you’re saying people used to pretend they were baby cows or what?</div>
<div class="characters">‘What were the babies drinking then?’</div>
‘Human babies were drinking it as well.’
<div class="characters">‘Wait! Human babies were drinking milk from someone else’s mother?’
‘I was referring to the cow’s babies. Isn’t that how it works? The mother feeds its baby. The milk is meant for the baby not for anyone else.’</div>
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">[["Humans didn’t start out being able to digest animal milk"|]] [[In fact, 68% of the world’s population has lactose malabsorption.|]] [[Find out why so many people are intolerant to milk|]] and about [[the outcome of drinking milk|]]</div>
<div class="characters">‘So basically you’re saying that babies drank milk from others' mothers and that adults pretended they were baby cows.’</div>
'Well it was a source of calcium'
<div class="characters">‘But almonds have [[calcium as well as healthy fats, fiber and vitamins|]]. Plus why would you drink that milk when you can just mix almonds with water?’</div>
<div class="characters">‘Are you okay?’</div>
<div class="characters">'Drink your almond milk coffee before you think of something like eating me…'
'You’re not you without a coffee…'</div>
You say your goodbyes and get on the road.
<video src="videos/car.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
[[a few hours later|coffee2]]
<div class="characters">‘What are you talking about?’</div>
‘Humans used to drink cow’s milk.’
<div class="characters">‘What? So you’re saying people used to pretend they were baby cows or what?</div>
<div class="characters">‘What were the babies drinking then?’</div>
‘Human babies were drinking it as well.’
<div class="characters">‘Wait! Human babies were drinking milk from someone else’s mother?’
‘I was referring to the cow’s babies. Isn’t that how it works? The mother feeds its baby. The milk is meant for the baby not for anyone else.’</div>
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">[["Humans didn’t start out being able to digest animal milk."|]] [[In fact, 68% of the world’s population has lactose malabsorption.|]] [[Find out why so many people are intolerant to milk|]] and about [[the outcome of drinking milk|]]</div>
<div class="characters">‘So basically you’re saying that babies drank milk from others' mothers and that adults pretended they were baby cows.’</div>
'Milk was a source of calcium.'
<div class="characters">‘But oats have [[calcium as well as fiber and protein|]]. Plus why would you drink that when you can just mix oats with water?’</div>
<div class="characters">‘Are you okay?’</div>
<div class="characters">'Drink your oat milk coffee before you think of something like eating me…'
'You’re not you without a coffee…'</div>
You say your goodbyes and get on the road.
<video src="videos/car.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
[[a few hours later|coffee2]]
<div class="characters">‘What are you talking about?’</div>
‘Humans used to drink cow’s milk.’
<div class="characters">‘What? So you’re saying people used to pretend they were baby cows or what?</div>
<div class="characters">‘What were the babies drinking then?’</div>
‘Human babies were drinking it as well.’
‘Wait! Human babies were drinking milk from someone else’s mother?’
<div class="characters">‘I was referring to the cow’s babies. Isn’t that how it works? The mother feeds its baby. The milk is meant for the baby not for anyone else.’</div>
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">[["Humans didn’t start out being able to digest animal milk."|]] [[In fact, 68% of the world’s population has lactose malabsorption.|]] [[Find out why so many people are intolerant to milk|]] and about [[the outcome of drinking milk|]]</div>
<div class="characters">‘So basically you’re saying that babies drank milk from others' mothers and that adults pretended they were baby cows.’</div>
'Milk was a source of calcium which contributes to strong bones.'
<div class="characters">‘But [[coconuts contain phosphorus|]] which contributes to strong bones. Plus why would you drink that milk when you can just mix coconuts with water?’</div>
<div class="characters">‘Are you okay?’</div>
<div class="characters">'Drink your coconut milk coffee before you think of something like eating me…'
'You’re not you without a coffee…'</div>
You say your goodbyes and get on the road.
<video src="videos/car.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
[[a few hours later|coffee2]]
<video src="videos/apple.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
You eat the delicious apple.
You remember of the days when you used to eat honey.
It was so sweet.
But there’s no risk in picking the apple.
What’s the worse thing that can happen?
Find a worm?
At least there’s no fuss trying to get the honey without getting stung.
On top of that you’re not a thief to steal their provisions which will get them through the winter.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">"It takes one bee a lifetime to produce just one twelfth of a teaspoon of honey." [[Find out the real reason why bees make honey and who is meant to consume it.|]]</div>
Now you’ve satisfied your sweet tooth!
You get back on the road.
[[A few days later]]
<<audio "apple" volume 0.8 play loop>><span class="reddish">Ouchhhhh</span>
You got stung.
<video src="videos/stung.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
Now your lips look like you’ve had 120 botox fillers.
The queen of the bees is coming towards you.
<div class="characters">‘I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to harm you… I reacted before thinking.. I guess it’s in my nature…’</div>
‘Well I probably deserved that’
<div class="characters">‘Yeah you kind of did… No offense, but we’re working day and night to make provisions for winter’</div>
<div class="characters">‘And you wanted to steal from us’
‘Hope you understand…’</div>
‘Yes, I’m so so sorry…’
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">"It takes one bee a lifetime to produce just one twelfth of a teaspoon of honey." [[Find out the real reason why bees make honey and who is meant to consume it.|]]</div>
There’s only two options left
[[Get an apple]]
[[Get the agave]]
<<audio "stung" volume 0.5 play >><video src="videos/agave.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
You extract the syrup and drink it.
You remember of the days when you used to eat honey.
It was so sweet.
But there’s no risk in picking the agave plant.
What’s the worse thing that can happen?
Find a bug?
At least there’s no fuss trying to get the honey without getting stung.
On top of that you’re not a thief to steal their provisions which will get them through the winter.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">"It takes one bee a lifetime to produce just one twelfth of a teaspoon of honey." [[Find out the real reason why bees make honey and who is meant to consume it.|]]</div>
Now you’ve satisfied your sweet tooth!
You get back on the road.
[[A few days later]]
<<audio "agave" volume 0.5 play loop>>!Chapter III: A sweet treat
It’s been 2 hours 34 minutes and 3 seconds since you’ve been on the road.
You’re already hungry.
You’re craving something sweet.
You stop on the side of the road to get a sweet snack.
<video src="videos/snack.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
In front of you there’s an apple tree, an agave plant and a beehive.
[[Pick apples from the tree]]
[[Get some honey from the bees]]
[[Pick the agave plant]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "beesbackground" volume 0.2 play loop>><video src="videos/apple.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
Wow that was much easier.
Now you’ve satisfied your sweet tooth!
You get back on the road.
[[A few days later]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "apple" volume 0.5 play loop>>
<video src="videos/agave.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
Wow that was much easier.
And the syrup tastes exactly like honey.
Now you’ve satisfied your sweet tooth!
You get back on the road.
[[A few days later]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "agave" volume 0.5 play loop>>!Chapter IV: Do it for fashion
You realise you haven’t packed enough clothes for this journey.
You’re a shopaholic and so this is a perfect excuse to get more clothes.
Compared to 47 years ago, you can only find clothes made out of plants such as pineapple leaves and hemp.
You wonder if there might be someone selling clothes made out of leather, fur or wool.
And you know just the right place where to look.
You access the Dark Web.
You search for
[[A leather jacket]]
[[A fur coat]]
[[A wool sweater]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "clothes" volume 0.2 play loop>><div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">"Leather requires massive amounts of energy and dangerous chemicals, including mineral salts, formaldehyde, coaltar derivatives, and various oils, dyes, and finishes, some of them cyanide-based. Most leather produced in the U.S. is chrome-tanned, and all wastes containing chromium are considered hazardous by the The Environmental Protection Agency. Tannery effluent contains large amounts of pollutants, such as salt, lime sludge, sulfides, and acids." [[Find out more about the unglamorous side of leather.|]]</div>
There’s a result which pops up.
<video src="videos/leather.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
The buyer’s username is ISwearOnMyTeslaItsRealLeather
The price is £13,847,957
‘Wow that’s really expensive… But at least it’s real leather’
[[Buy it]]
'The buyer’s username seems dodgy…'
[[Don’t buy it]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "buy" volume 0.2 play loop>><div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">"The production of fur imposes significant adverse impacts on both the environment and human health. Far from being a natural resource, fur production is an intensely toxic and energy-consumptive process. Several European advertising standards committees have ruled that advertising fur as environmentally friendly is false and misleading." [[Find out more about the unglamourous side of fur.|]]</div>
There’s a result which pops up.
<video src="videos/fur.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
The buyer’s username is ISwearOnMyTeslaItsRealFur
The price is £13,847,957
‘Wow that’s really expensive… But at least it’s real fur’
[[Buy it]]
'The buyer’s username seems dodgy…'
[[Don’t buy it]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "buy" volume 0.2 play loop>><div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">[["Known for keeping people warm and being itchy, wool is a common material used in clothing."|]] But is wool as harmless and warm as it feels on your skin when wearing it? [[Find out about the ‘not so cozy’ side of wool.|]]</div>
There’s a result which pops up.
<video src="videos/wool.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
The buyer’s username is ISwearOnMyTeslaItsRealWool
The price is £13,847,957
‘Wow that’s really expensive… But at least it’s real wool’
[[Buy it]]
'The buyer’s username seems dodgy…'
[[Don’t buy it]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "buy" volume 0.2 play loop>>You got scammed.
<video src="videos/hacker.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
<div class="characters">'I don’t have a Tesla! But I’ll have now with your money!'</div>
You’re so angry you’ve fallen for this scam.
Now you’re broke and unfashionable…
There’s two options left for you now to make clothes
[[Prepare to hunt]]
[[Search for something else]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "evillaugh" volume 0.2 play >>But you're still in desperate need of new clothes.
There's only two options left
Go to
A [[pineapple]] jungle
A [[hemp]] fieldYou go back to the Dark Web to
[[Buy a gun]]
Sign up for a course to [[learn how to hunt]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "hunt" volume 0.2 play loop>>The price is £12,949,607.
You’re broke so you [[take credit]] out of your bank.
[[You’re skeptical]] now to buy cause it might be a scam again.
The course costs £12,060,757.
You're broke so you [[borrow money|Get into more debt]] from the bank.
[[Give up]] on the idea of hunting.
But you don't know how to hunt or use a gun.
You search for a hunting course.
The course costs £12,060,757.
[[Get into more debt]] and take credit.
[[Give up|give up 2]] on the idea of hunting.You search for a hunting course instead.
The course costs £12,060,757.
Now you [[borrow money|Get into more debt]] from the bank.
[[Give up]] on the idea of hunting.The course is purchased.
But there's a problem...
Animals who were hunted for making clothes went extinct 47 years ago...
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts"> [["Animals including rabbits, minks, goats, foxes, crocodiles, alpacas, llamas, kangaroos, and even dogs and cats are coveted by the fashion industry. Their fur and skins are used to make various ‘luxurious’ clothing items."|]] But why is this still going on when there are already plenty of other alternatives? [[Find out which are the endagered species as a consequence of fashion practices|]]</div>
So now you're broke, unfashionable and in debt.
There's only two options left
Go to
[[A pineapple jungle]]
[[A hemp field]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "failsong" volume 0.2 play loop>>But you're still broke and in desperate need of new clothes.
There's only two options left
Go to
[[A pineapple jungle]]
[[A hemp field]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "failsong" volume 0.2 play >>There’s so many pineapple leaves.
<video src="videos/pinapple.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
And it's so much easier getting hold of this.
You’ll be able to make so many clothes at no outrageous cost.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts"> "Pineapple leather is a leather alternative made from cellulose fibres extracted from pineapple leaves, PLA (Polylactic Acid), and petroleum-based resin. Pineapple leather is strong, durable, flexible, light and breathable. It can do the majority of things that regular leather can do, but, more importantly, it has a lower enviromental impact." [[Find out more about how pinapple leaves are turned into sustaibale leather.|]]</div>
[[A few weeks later]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "jungle" volume 0.2 play loop>>There’s so much hemp.
<video src="videos/hemp.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
And it's so much easier getting hold of this.
You’ll be able to make so many clothes at no outrageous cost.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts"> Hemp is incredibly versatile. Along with having numerous health benefits, it is a terrific replacement for unsustainable materials like plastic and cotton. It’s also a suitable fabric of choice for animal-derived fur alternatives. [[Read more about fur alternatives.|]] Hemp is a great choice for sustainable knitwear: as it doesn't require pesticides or herbicides, it is perfect for organic farming. It is also the least water-intensive material of all natural fibres.Find out which are the sustainable wool alternatives.|]]</div>
[[A few weeks later]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "field" volume 0.2 play loop>>Now you're broke, unfashionable and in debt.
There's only two options left
Go to
[[A pineapple jungle]]
[[A hemp field]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "failsong" volume 0.2 play loop>>!Chapter V: The entertainment
You're broke so you need to find a job.
You go on LinkedIn and search for a job available nearby.
There’s two job advertisements popping up.
Apply to the job
[[At the circus]]
[[At the marine park]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "transition" volume 0.2 play >>There are so many pineapple leaves.
<video src="videos/pinapple.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
And it's so much easier getting hold of this.
You’ll be able to make so many clothes at no outrageous cost.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts"> "Pineapple leather is a leather alternative made from cellulose fibres extracted from pineapple leaves, PLA (Polylactic Acid), and petroleum-based resin. Pineapple leather is strong, durable, flexible, light and breathable. It can do the majority of things that regular leather can do, but, more importantly, it has a lower enviromental impact." [[Find out more about how pinapple leaves are turned into sustaibale leather.|]]</div>
[[A few weeks later|job]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "jungle" volume 0.2 play loop>>There’s so much hemp.
<video src="videos/hemp.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
And it's so much easier getting hold of this.
You’ll be able to make so many clothes at no outrageous cost.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts"> Hemp is incredibly versatile. Along with having numerous health benefits, it is a terrific replacement for unsustainable materials like plastic and cotton. It’s also a suitable fabric of choice for animal-derived fur alternatives. [[Read more about fur alternatives.|]] Hemp is a great choice for sustainable knitwear: as it doesn't require pesticides or herbicides, it is perfect for organic farming. It is also the least water-intensive material of all natural fibres.Find out which are the sustainable wool alternatives.|]]</div>
[[A few weeks later|job]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "field" volume 0.2 play loop>>Go to
A [[pineapple]] jungle
A [[hemp]] field
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "transition" volume 0.2 play >>!Chapter V:The Entertainment
You don't have that much money left so you need to find a job.
You go on LinkedIn and search for a job available nearby.
There’s two job advertisements popping up.
Apply to the job
[[At the circus]]
[[At the marine park]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "transition" volume 0.2 play >>You got the job.
You think it can’t be that hard to perform…
Training [[starts]].
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "notification" volume 0.5 play >>You got the job.
You think it can’t be that hard to perform…
Training [[starts|start]].
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "notification" volume 0.5 play >>The schedule is so strict.
You feel like you're controlled by someone else.
You spent all day and night training.
You’re exhausted.
You try to [[push yourself]] so they don’t fire you…
You don’t want to do it anymore so you [[quit]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "difficulttraining" volume 0.2 play loop>>You have to learn how to
[[Balance on a high wire]]
[[Walk backwards on your arms]]
But you can’t leave. You’re chained to the job contract you signed…
It’s like you’re [[caged]].
<img src= "images/cage.png" alt="cage" width="500" height="600"/>Training continues.
You have to learn how to
[[Balance on a high wire]]
[[Walk backwards on your arms]]
The schedule is so strict.
You feel like you're controlled by someone else.
You spent all day and night training.
You’re exhausted.
You try to [[push yourself|push]] so they don’t fire you…
You don’t want to do it anymore so you [[quit|quit2]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "difficulttraining" volume 0.2 play loop>>You find it so difficult being in the water tank 24/7.
It’s not your natural habitat.
You’re skin is wrinkly and you’ve got an infection from the water.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">"Countless marine animals are taken from their rightful ocean homes and placed in tanks." Animals in "petting pools" are frequently exposed to foreign bacteria and other pathogens”. [[Find out more about what animals in marine parks go thorugh.|]]</div>
How do you choose to manage your stress and relieve the endless monotony?
Get anti-anxiety [[drugs]] to calm you
[[Chew on a metal bar]]But you can’t leave. You’re chained to the contract you signed…
It’s like you’re [[trapped|push]].
You’re having trouble learning how to do this.
<video src="videos/rope.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">A brown bear was punished for having trouble balancing on the wire. "She became so neurotic that she would beat her head against her small cage…" [[Find out more about what circus animals go through|]]</div>
The other performers look down on you and choose to ignore you.
You feel like you’re going insane…
But you can’t [[escape]] this place.You’re having trouble learning how to do this.
<video src="videos/steps.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">Circus animals undergo training methods and perform unnatural acts. "Horses are trained to walk backwards on their hind legs with tight reins forcing the neck into a supposedly attractive, artificial position." [[Find out more about what circus animals go through|]]</div>
The other performers look down on you and choose to ignore you.
You are so sad and lonely…
But you can’t [[escape]] this place.<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">"Researchers from the University of Bristol have concluded that circuses fail to provide some of the most basic welfare needs of wild animals, such as space and social groups. Neither natural environment nor much natural behaviour can be recreated." [[Learn more about the animals’ circus life|]]</div>
<span class="reddish">It’s show time!</span>
<video src="videos/circusshow.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
Everyone seems to enjoy it.
At least you’re hard work is paying off.
But do they even care about you?
Or you’re just like a puppet to them?
The final act is [[over]].
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "circusshow" volume 0.2 play loop>>You are praised with many flowers and applauses from the public.
But you can’t be happy because tomorrow you’re going to have to do it all over again
And again
And again
And again
<video src="videos/circusend.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
[[a few months later]]
<<audio "applause" volume 0.5 play loop>><div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">"Frequently housed with incompatible tankmates, dolphins, whales, and other marine mammals are often drugged in order to manage stress-induced aggressive behavior and relieve the endless monotony of swimming in circles." [[Find out more about what animals in marine parks go through|]]</div>
You’re in euphoria.
<video src="videos/hypnotised.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You pass out on the floor.
At least you’re finally getting some [[sleep]].
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "hypnotized" volume 0.2 play loop>>
After 2 hours, someone [[slaps]] you.
<video src="videos/sleep.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "slap" volume 0.5 play >><span class="reddish">It’s show time!</span>
<video src="videos/marineshow.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
Everyone seems to enjoy it…
You wonder if they care about you
Or you’re just a puppet…
You take a bow.
[[The final act is over]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "circusshow" volume 0.2 play loop>>You are praised with many flowers and applauses from the public.
But you can’t be happy because tomorrow you’re going to have to do it all over again
And again
And again
And again
<video src="videos/marineend.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
[[a few months later]]
<<audio "applause" volume 0.5 play loop>>‘Oh no!’
You broke a tooth.
<video src="videos/tooth.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">"Orcas break their teeth chewing on the metal bars and concrete sides of their tanks and are forced to perform tricks for tourists in exchange for food—all in the name of entertainment." [[Find out more about what animals in marine parks go through|]]</div>
The show is in less than 2 hours.
You can’t perform with no tooth
What are you going to do now?
[[Glue it]] with superglue
[[Replace it]] with a golden tooth
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "ohno" volume 0.2 play >>Now your smile is LITERALLY going to shine.
<video src="videos/goldtooth.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You hope it will hold until today's [[show]] ends.You hope it will hold until today's [[show]] ends.
<span class="reddish">It’s show time!</span>
<video src="videos/marineshow.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
Everyone seems to enjoy it…
You wonder if they care about you
Or you’re just a puppet…
You take a bow.
[[The final act is over|over2]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "circusshow" volume 0.2 play loop>>You are praised with many flowers and applauses from the public.
But you can’t be happy because tomorrow you’re going to have to do it all over again
And again
And again
And again
Plus you’re tooth just fell so no fake smile from you anymore…
<video src="videos/marineend.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
[[a few months later]]
<<audio "applause" volume 0.5 play loop>>!Chapter VI: New Traditions
Your contract finally terminates and can leave the job.
Just in time for your favourite time of the year.
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "transition" volume 0.2 play >>You’re thinking about how you might celebrate considering that you’re by yourself, away from home.
Festive food!
You choose to
[[Go to a restaurant]]
[[Order in]]
<video src="videos/restaurant.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "piano" volume 0.2 play loop>>You’re thinking about how you might celebrate considering that you’re by yourself, away from home.
Festive food!
You choose to
[[Go to a restaurant|restaurant]]
[[Order in|order]]
<video src="videos/restaurant.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "christmasintro" volume 0.2 play loop>>Your waiter is a turkey.
<video src="videos/turkey.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
<div class="characters">‘Happy Thanksgiving! What would you like to order?’</div>
[[Pumpkin pie]]
[[Stuffed butternut squash]]
<video src="videos/orderin.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You choose to order from
<div class="fact">Bonus</div><div class="facts">[[Recipe for a delicious pumpkin pie|]]</div>
Pumpkin pie is your favorite.
You have it every year for Thanksgiving.
This will for sure get you in the festive spirit.
The waiter is coming with your pumpkin pie.
[[Dig in.]]
<div class="fact">Bonus</div><div class="facts">[[Recipe for a delicious stuffed butternut squash|]]</div>
Stuffed butternut squash is your favorite.
You have it every year for Thanksgiving.
This will for sure get you in the festive spirit.
The waiter is coming with your stuffed butternut squash.
[[Dig in]]You order a
[[Nut roast]]
[[Apple pie]]
You order a
[[Nut roast|nut roast]]
[[Apple pie|apple pie]]
<div class="fact">Bonus</div><div class="facts">[[Recipe for a delicious nut roast|]]</div>
Nut roast is your favorite.
You have it every year for Christmas.
This will for sure get you in the festive spirit.
<video src="videos/uberpig.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You're delivery is here!
A pig is delivering your food.
[[Dig in|Enjoy]]<div class="fact">Bonus</div><div class="facts">[[Recipe for a delicious apple pie|]]</div>
Apple pie is your favorite.
You have it every year for Christmas.
This will for sure get you in the festive spirit.
<video src="videos/uberpig.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
Your delivery is here!
A pig is delivering your food.
[[Dig in|Enjoy it]]
You dig in.
It tastes exactly the same as the pumpkin pie which you, Chickita and HolyCow make every Christmas.
Yet there’s something different.
For some reason it doesn’t make you feel in the spirit of Thanksgiving.
It doesn’t bring you any joy.
You wish you were home for Thanksgiving…
Maybe holidays are not about the food we eat but about the people who we celebrate them with. Without the people what’s the point in traditions…
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">Traditional foods are a wholly uniting factor but culture and traditions are not just about food and activities. [[Find out more about what traditions are about.|]]</div>
The waiter [[is coming]] towards you.
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "sadsong" volume 0.2 play loop>>You dig in.
It tastes exactly the same as the stuffed butternut squash which you, Chickita and HolyCow make every Christmas.
Yet there’s something different.
For some reason it doesn’t make you feel in the spirit of Thanksgiving.
It doesn’t bring you any joy.
You wish you were home for Thanksgiving…
Maybe holidays are not about the food we eat but about the people who we celebrate them with. Without the people what’s the point in traditions…
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">Traditional foods are a wholly uniting factor but culture and traditions are not just about food and activities. [[Find out more about what traditions are about.|]]</div>
The waiter [[is coming|come2]] towards you.
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "sadsong" volume 0.2 play loop>>You dig in.
<video src="videos/nutroast.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
It tastes exactly the same as the nut roast which you, Chickita and HolyCow make every Christmas.
Yet there’s something different.
For some reason it doesn’t make you feel in the spirit of Christmas.
It doesn’t bring you any joy.
You wish you were home for Christmas…
Maybe holidays are not about the food we eat but about the people who we celebrate them with. Without the people what’s the point in traditions…
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">Traditional foods are a wholly uniting factor but culture and traditions are not just about food and activities. [[Find out more about what traditions are about.|]]</div>
Someone [[knocks]] your door.
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "sadsong" volume 0.2 play loop>>You dig in.
<video src="videos/applepie.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
It tastes exactly the same as the apple pie which you, Chickita and HolyCow make every Christmas.
Yet there’s something different.
For some reason it doesn’t make you feel in the spirit of Christmas.
It doesn’t bring you any joy.
You wish you were home for Christmas…
Maybe holidays are not about the food we eat but about the people who we celebrate them with. Without the people what’s the point in traditions…
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">Traditional foods are a wholly uniting factor but culture and traditions are not just about food and activities. [[Find out more about what traditions are about.|]]</div>
Someone [[knocks|knockss]] your door.
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "sadsong" volume 0.2 play loop>>It’s the delivery pig.
<div class="characters">'I'm so sorry I forgot to give you the mushroom gravy for your nut roast...There you go!'</div>
‘Oh it’s fine... It won’t make a difference anyways…’
He notices you’re lonely and sad.
<div class="characters">‘Look… I just finished with my last delivery and I’m going home to celebrate with my family. If you would like to join us you’re more than welcome!’</div>
[[You join them|Join]]
<<audio "knock" volume 0.5 play >>Your waiter is a pig.
<video src="videos/pigchristmas.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
<div class="characters">‘Merry Christmas! What would you like to order?’</div>
[[Nut roast|nut]]
[[Apple pie|apple]]<video src="videos/orderin.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You choose to order from
[[Deliveroo]]You order the
[[Pumpkin pie|pumpkin]]
[[Stuffed butternut squash|squash]]
You order the
[[Pumpkin pie|pumpkin]]
[[Stuffed butternut squash|squash]]<div class="characters">‘Sorry, I forgot to bring you the cranberry sauce for your stuffed butternut squash... There you go!'</div>
‘Oh it’s fine... It won’t make a difference anyways…’
The turkey notices you're lonely and sad.
<div class="characters"> ‘Look… My shift just finished and I’m going home to celebrate with my family. If you would like to join us you’re more than welcome!’</div>
[[Join them.|join]]
<div class="characters">‘Sorry, I forgot to bring you the coconut whipped cream for your pumpkin pie... There you go!'</div>
‘Oh it’s fine... It won’t make a difference anyways…’
The turkey notices you're lonely and sad.
<div class="characters"> ‘Look… My shift just finished and I’m going home to celebrate with my family. If you would like to join us you’re more than welcome!’</div>
[[Join them.|join]]
<video src="videos/thanksgivingdinner.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You end up having the best time with them celebrating a different Thanksgiving.
You adopt their traditions and embrace their culture.
Who would’ve thought doing something different for Thanksgiving could be so fun and beautiful!
Next Thanksgiving you decide that you’ll be doing all those new traditions with Chickita and HolyCow.
You won’t give up your culture and long-established traditions, but you will adapt new ones.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">By not eating a certain traditional dish or engaging in a cultural activity does not mean you’re turning your back on tradition or committing cultural blasphemy.
[[Find out more about creating new traditions.|]]</div>
Now this turned into a…
Happy Thanksgiving!
[[3 months later]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "enjoyholidays" volume 0.2 play loop>>Chapter VII: The cure
You finally made it to the Temple of Meat.
Take the
<video src="videos/elevator.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "elevator" volume 0.2 play loop>><div class="fact">Bonus</div><div class="facts">[[Recipe for a delicious pumpkin pie|]]
Pumpkin pie is your favorite.
You have it every year for Thanksgiving.
This will for sure get you in the festive spirit.
You're delivery is here!
A turkey is delivering your food.
<video src="videos/turkey.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
[[Dig in|dig in]]
<div class="fact">Bonus</div><div class="facts">[[Recipe for a delicious stuffed butternut squash|]]</div>
Stuffed butternut squash is your favorite.
You have it every year for Thanksgiving.
This will for sure get you in the festive spirit.
You're delivery is here!
A turkey is delivering your food.
<video src="videos/turkey.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
[[Dig in|dig inn]]You dig in.
<video src="videos/squash.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
It tastes exactly the same as the stuffed butternut squash which you, Chickita and HolyCow make every Thanksgiving.
Yet there’s something different.
For some reason, it doesn’t make you feel in the spirit of Thanksgiving.
It doesn’t bring you any joy.
You wish you were home for Thanksgiving…
Maybe holidays are not about the food we eat but about the people who we celebrate them with. Without the people what’s the point in traditions…
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">Traditional foods are a wholly uniting factor but culture and traditions are not just about food and activities. [[Find out more about what traditions are about.|]]</div>
Someone [[knocks|Knockss]] your door.
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "sadsong" volume 0.2 play loop>>You dig in.
<video src="videos/pumpkinpie.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
It tastes exactly the same as the pumpkin pie which you, Chickita and HolyCow make every Thanksgiving.
Yet there’s something different.
For some reason, it doesn’t make you feel in the spirit of Thanksgiving.
It doesn’t bring you any joy.
You wish you were home for Thanksgiving…
Maybe holidays are not about the food we eat but about the people who we celebrate them with. Without the people what’s the point in traditions…
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">Traditional foods are a wholly uniting factor but culture and traditions are not just about food and activities. [[Find out more about what traditions are about.|]]</div>
Someone [[knocks|Knocks]] your door.
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "sadsong" volume 0.2 play loop>>It's the delivery turkey.
<div class="characters">'I'm so sorry I forgot to give you the coconut whipped cream for your pumpkin pie...There you go!'</div>
‘Oh it’s fine... It won’t make a difference anyways…’
He notices you’re lonely and sad.
<div class="characters">‘Look… I just finished with my last delivery and I’m going home to celebrate with my family. If you would like to join us you’re more than welcome!’</div>
[[Join them.|join]]
<<audio "knock" volume 0.5 play >>It's the delivery turkey.
<div class="characters">'I'm so sorry I forgot to give you the cranberry sauce for your stuffed butternut squash...There you go!'</div>
‘Oh it’s fine... It won’t make a difference anyways…’
He notices you’re lonely and sad.
<div class="characters">‘Look… I just finished with my last delivery and I’m going home to celebrate with my family. If you would like to join us you’re more than welcome!’</div>
[[Join them.|join]]
<<audio "knock" volume 0.5 play >>It’s the delivery pig.
<div class="characters">'I'm so sorry I forgot to give you the coconut milk vanilla ice cream for your apple pie...There you go!'</div>
‘Oh it’s fine... It won’t make a difference anyways…’
He notices you’re lonely and sad.
<div class="characters">‘Look… I just finished with my last delivery and I’m going home to celebrate with my family. If you would like to join us you’re more than welcome!’</div>
[[You join them|Join]]
<<audio "knock" volume 0.5 play >><video src="videos/christmasdinner.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You end up having the best time with them celebrating a different Christmas.
You adopt their traditions and embrace their culture.
Who would’ve thought doing something different for Christmas could be so fun and beautiful!
Next Christmas you decide that you’ll be doing all those new traditions with Chickita and HolyCow.
You won’t give up your culture and long-established traditions, but you will adapt new ones.
Now this turned into a…
Merry Christmas!
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">By not eating a certain traditional dish or engaging in a cultural activity does not mean you’re turning your back on tradition or committing cultural blasphemy.
[[Find out more about creating new traditions.|]]</div>
[[3 months later]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "merrychristmas" volume 0.5 play >><div class="fact">Bonus</div><div class="facts">[[Recipe for a delicious nut roast|]]</div>
Nut roast is your favorite.
You have it every year for Christmas.
This will for sure get you in the festive spirit.
The waiter is coming with your nut roast.
[[Dig in|digin]]
<video src="videos/nutroast.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video><div class="fact">Bonus</div><div class="facts">[[Recipe for a delicious apple pie|]]</div>
Apple pie is your favorite.
You have it every year for Christmas.
This will for sure get you in the festive spirit.
The waiter is coming with your apple pie.
[[Dig in|digin2]]
<video src="videos/applepie.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>You dig in.
It tastes exactly the same as the nut roast which you, Chickita and HolyCow make every Christmas.
Yet there’s something different.
For some reason it doesn’t make you feel in the spirit of Christmas.
It doesn’t bring you any joy.
You wish you were home for Christmas…
Maybe holidays are not about the food we eat but about the people who we celebrate them with. Without the people what’s the point in traditions…
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">Traditional foods are a wholly uniting factor but culture and traditions are not just about food and activities. [[Find out more about what traditions are about.|]]</div>
The waiter [[is coming|coming]] towards you.
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "sadsong" volume 0.2 play loop>>You dig in.
It tastes exactly the same as the nut roast which you, Chickita and HolyCow make every Christmas.
Yet there’s something different.
For some reason it doesn’t make you feel in the spirit of Christmas.
It doesn’t bring you any joy.
You wish you were home for Christmas…
Maybe holidays are not about the food we eat but about the people who we celebrate them with. Without the people what’s the point in traditions…
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">Traditional foods are a wholly uniting factor but culture and traditions are not just about food and activities. [[Find out more about what traditions are about.|]]</div>
The waiter [[is coming|comingg]] towards you.
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "sadsong" volume 0.2 play loop>><div class="characters"> ‘Sorry, I forgot to bring you the mushroom gravy for your nut roast... There you go!'</div>
‘Oh it’s fine... It won’t make a difference anyways…’
The pig notices you're sad and lonely.
<div class="characters"> ‘Look… My shift just finished and I’m going home to celebrate with my family. If you would like to join us you’re more than welcome. The merrier the better!’</div>
[[You join them|Join]]
<div class="characters"> ‘Sorry, I forgot to bring you the coconut milk vanilla ice cream for your apple pie... There you go!'</div>
‘Oh it’s fine... It won’t make a difference anyways…’
The pig notices you're sad and lonely.
<div class="characters"> ‘Look… My shift just finished and I’m going home to celebrate with my family. If you would like to join us you’re more than welcome. The merrier the better!’</div>
[[You join them|Join]]The receptionist greets you.
<div class="characters">‘Welcome to the Temple of Meat!’
‘Are you here for the [[therapy session]] or for [[eating meat]]?’</div>
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "temple" volume 0.2 play loop>>The receptionist greets you.
<div class="characters"> ‘Welcome to the Temple of Meat!’
‘Are you here for the [[therapy session]] or for [[eating meat]]?’</div>
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "temple" volume 0.2 play loop>>‘Oh I didn’t know about the therapy service!’
‘What’s it about?’
<div class="characters">‘You can choose to talk to a therapist about what’s been on your mind.’</div>
[[Meat|eating meat]]
<div class="characters"> ‘Sign this please! You have to agree with our terms and conditions!’</div>
You don’t read it cause it’s too long.
<div class="characters"> ‘Okay let’s move on then!’
What kind of meat would you like?</div>
[[Real meat]]
[[Cultured meat]]
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">"It may sound like science-fiction, but meat grown in a laboratory is fast-becoming a reality, and lab-grown or ‘clean meat’ may soon be on the menu as companies around the world compete to be the first to commercially launch" Would you feel more comfortable in a laboratory rather than in a slaughterhouse? [[Learn more about how cultured meat is created|]] and if it’s [[different from GMO meat|]]</div>
Your therapist is a fish.
<video src="videos/fish.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
<div class="characters">‘I’m Salmonela. I’ll be your therapist for today’s session! What would you like to talk about?’</div>
‘I’ve travelled all the way here to cure my disease’
‘I constantly think about meat’
‘Because of this it is so hard being around my friends and pretend like I don’t think about it.’
‘They don’t know anything about my past life and I’m scared if I tell them about it I’ll lose them…’
‘I thought by coming here and eating meat, I will finally able to satisfy my obsession’
<div class="characters"> ‘Hmm, I see…’
‘Before I say anything I would like to congratulate you for your choice!’
‘It is already a first step that you wanted to try therapy.’
'However, is not too late to change your mind. You can still [[end this session|eating meat]] and go eat meat or [[do what I’m about to tell you]]</div>
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "therapy" volume 0.2 play loop>><div class="characters"> ‘Look.. if you tell your friends they will forgive you.’
‘But it seems to me that you haven’t forgiven yourself…’
‘You have to let go of your past and appreciate the amazing present today.’
‘There are so many things to be grateful today.’
‘Clean air, clean oceans, extensive forests, balanced temperatures and a thriving ecosystem.’
‘After 47 years, you finally live in a world where everyone is equal and healthy.’
‘Where there’s peace and justice’
‘All you have to do is promise to focus on the current good things and you’ll be cured’</div>
[[‘I promise’]]
[[‘I think I’ll try meat now’|eating meat]]
<img src= "images/backhome.png" alt="sunset" width="700" height="600"/>
You go back home changed.
You've never been the REAL you like you are right now.
The part you were most scared about has come…
You tell Chickita and HolyCow the real reason why you were away and how the journey actually became a self-discovery trip in the end.
Because they’re kind and care about you, they forgive you.
You live your life the way you promised
You’re finally [[free]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "gobackhome" volume 0.2 play loop>>!THE END.
<span class="reddish">"Some people talk to animals. Not many listen though. That's the problem."</span>
― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
Go to
!To discover other paths from the story
<<button "Play again" "Start" >><</button>><div class="characters"> 'Just so you know we don’t have any organic grass-fed meat anymore.'
'We only have GMO (genetically modified organism) meat.'</div>
[[I don’t care I WANT THAT MEAT]]
[[Go with the lab meat|Cultured meat]]
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">GMO crops make up a large percentage of the crop grown. Most of the GMO crops grown are used for animal food. Animals eating GMO foods are considered safe to eat. But how about GMO animals? "FDA has approved an application that allows the marketing of the AquAdvantage Salmon, an Atlantic salmon that has been genetically modified to reach an important growth point faster." Would you eat it? [[Find out more about the GMO and how it’s similar to lab meat.|]]</div>What would you like to have?
[[Cultured chicken]]
[[Cultured steak]]
[[Cultured bacon]] What would you like to have?
[[GMO chicken]]
[[GMO steak]]
[[GMO bacon]]
You’re about to have meat after 47 years.
You start salivating just by looking at it.
You smell it
You touch it.
[[You are ready to take your first bite]]
[[You don’t want it anymore]]
You’re about to have meat after 47 years.
You start salivating just by looking at it.
You smell it
You touch it.
[[You are ready to take your first bite|bite]]
[[You don’t want it anymore|anymore]]You’re about to have meat after 47 years.
You start salivating just by looking at it.
You smell it
You touch it.
[[You are ready to take your first bite|bite2]]
[[You don’t want it anymore|anymore2]]<video src="videos/heartbeat.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
Your cholesterol level is at 5000.
You feel like you’re having a heart attack.
Your blood pressure is at 1500/90mmHg.
You blow up like a balloon.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">"In addition to fat and cholesterol, food poisoning is a major problem." [[Find out more about the results of eating ‘lean meats’.|]]</div>
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "heartbeat" volume 0.8 play loop>>Something about it doesn’t attract you anymore.
No matter how far you’ve travelled.
No matter how much thinking about it consumes you.
You just can’t eat it.
[['I'm not eating it.']]
'Nah who am I kidding?' [[Eat it.]]Suddenly there’s a bright light blinding you.
<video src="videos/light.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You see the silhouette of a chicken.
It’s the God of Chickens.
<div class="characters"> ‘I want to congratulate you for your choice’
'I can cure you from your disease in exchange for something simple'</div>
[['I'll do it!']]
[['I'll have the meat']]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "heaven" volume 0.2 play >>You take your first bite.
<video src="videos/heartbeat.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
Your cholesterol level is at 5000.
You feel like you’re having a heart attack
Your blood pressure is at 1500/90mmHg
You blow up like a balloon.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">"In addition to fat and cholesterol, food poisoning is a major problem." [[Find out more about the results of eating ‘lean meats’|]]</div>
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "heartbeat" volume 0.2 play loop>>Something about it doesn’t attract you anymore.
No matter how far you’ve travelled.
No matter how much thinking about it consumes you.
You just can’t eat it.
[['I'm not eating it.'|no]]
'Nah who am I kidding?' [[Eat it.|yes]]Something about it doesn’t attract you anymore.
No matter how far you’ve travelled.
No matter how much thinking about it consumes you.
You just can’t eat it.
[['I'm not eating it.'|no2]]
'Nah who am I kidding?' [[Eat it.|yes2]]<video src="videos/heartbeat.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
Your cholesterol level is at 5000.
You feel like you’re having a heart attack
Your blood pressure is at 1500/90mmHg
You blow up like a balloon.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">Eating red meat can raise the risk of type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke and certain cancers, especially colorectal cancer. [[Find out more about the results of eating ‘red meats’.|]]</div>
[[‘WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?’|amazing2]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "heartbeat" volume 0.5 play loop>><video src="videos/heartbeat.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
Your cholesterol level is at 5000.
You feel like you’re having a heart attack
Your blood pressure is at 1500/90mmHg
You blow up like a balloon
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">Meats such as bacon, sausages and ham have been preserved by curing, smoking, salting, or adding chemical preservatives. There are three chemicals such as haem, nitrites and nitrates, heterocyclic amines and polycyclic amines found in processed meat that have been linked to cancer. [[Find out more about the results of eating ‘processed meats’|]]</div>
[[‘WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?’|changed2]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "heartbeat" volume 0.5 play loop>>‘I’m supposed to feel AMAZING!’
You take a look in the mirror.
You’ve turned into a chicken.
No… You’ve turned into a GMO chicken.
<video src="videos/chicken.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You know what they say…
"You are what you eat"
‘Funny not funny!’
‘Is there a way I can go back to [[who I was]]?’
<div class="characters"> ‘We have a no refund policy, but the therapist might help you at an extra cost.’</div>
'Yes, I’ll do anything to [[go back]] to who I was!'
'Maybe being a GMO chicken is [[not too bad]]...'
Suddenly there’s a bright light blinding you.
<video src="videos/light.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You see the silhouette of a cow.
It’s the God of Cows.
<div class="characters"> ‘I want to congratulate you for your choice’
'I can cure you from your disease in exchange for something simple'</div>
[['I'll do it!'|this]]
[['Hmm...I'll have the meat'|other]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "heaven" volume 0.2 play >>You take your first bite.
<video src="videos/heartbeat.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
Your cholesterol level is at 5000.
You feel like you’re having a heart attack.
Your blood pressure is at 1500/90mmHg.
You blow up like a balloon.
<div class="fact">Facts</div><div class="facts">Eating red meat can raise the risk of type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke and certain cancers, especially colorectal cancer. [[Find out more about the results of eating ‘red meats’|]]</div>
[[‘WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?’|amazing2]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "heartbeat" volume 0.5 play loop>>Suddenly there’s a bright light blinding you.
<video src="videos/light.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You see the silhouette of a pig.
It’s the God of Pigs.
<div class="characters"> ‘I want to congratulate you for your choice’
'I can cure you from your disease in exchange for something simple'</div>
[['I'll do it!'|this2]]
[['Hmm...I'll have the meat'|yes2]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "heaven" volume 0.2 play >>Your therapist is a chicken.
‘Oh great…’
<div class="characters"> ‘So you’re here because you would like to go back to your old self.’</div>
‘Yes please help me!’
<div class="characters"> ‘There is one simple way to return to your true self…’
‘Plus the session will be at no charge if you succeed to do what I say.’
'You have to let go of your past.'
'Look where it got you!'
'Why can't you appreciate and see the good things present today?’
‘There are so many which you can be grateful for...’
‘Clean air, clean oceans, extensive forests, balanced temperatures and a thriving ecosystem.’
‘After 47 years, you finally live in a world where everyone is equal and healthy.’
‘Where there’s peace and justice...’
‘So all you have to do, is promise to focus on the current good things and you’ll be cured’</div>
[[‘I promise’|promise2]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "therapy" volume 0.2 play loop>>'What is going to happen to me if I stay a GMO chicken?'
<div class="characters"> 'You’ll stay here and be the next person’s meal.'</div>
[['Ok, I’ll pay for the therapy'|go back]]
[['I accept this fate!']]
You live as a GMO chicken for 2 days 3 hours and 43 seconds.
You are someone’s meal.
<video src="videos/eatingmeat.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
[[Go back and choose differently|not too bad]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "failsong" volume 0.2 play loop>>
<img src= "images/backhome.png" alt="sunset" width="700" height="600"/>
You go back home changed.
Not just because for a moment you were turned into a chicken.
But you've never been the REAL you like you are right now.
The part you were most scared about has come…
You tell Chickita and HolyCow the real reason why you were away and how the journey actually became a self-discovery trip in the end.
Because they’re kind and care about you, they forgive you.
You live your life the way you promised
You’re finally [[free]].
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "gobackhome" volume 0.2 play loop>><div class="characters"> 'Very well...'
‘All you have to do is let go of your past and appreciate the amazing things present now.’
‘There are so many things to be grateful today.’
‘Clean air, clean oceans, extensive forests, balanced temperatures and a thriving ecosystem.’
‘After 47 years, you finally live in a world where everyone is equal and healthy.’
‘Where there’s peace and justice’
‘All you have to do is promise to focus on the current good things and you’ll be cured’</div>
[[‘I promise’]]
You take your first bite.
<video src="videos/heartbeat.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
Your cholesterol level is at 5000.
You feel like you’re having a heart attack.
Your blood pressure is at 1500/90mmHg.
You blow up like a balloon.
<div class="fact">Bonus</div><div class="facts">"In addition to fat and cholesterol, food poisoning is a major problem."[[Find out more about the results of eating ‘lean meats’|]]</div>
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "heartbeat" volume 0.2 play loop>><div class="characters"> 'Very well...'
‘You have to let go of your past and appreciate the amazing things present now.’
‘There are so many things to be grateful today.’
‘Clean air, clean oceans, extensive forests, balanced temperatures and a thriving ecosystem.’
‘After 47 years, you finally live in a world where everyone is equal and healthy.’
‘Where there’s peace and justice’
‘All you have to do is promise to focus on the current good things and you’ll be cured’</div>
[[‘I promise’]]Yout take your first bite.
<video src="videos/heartbeat.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
Your cholesterol level is at 5000.
You feel like you’re having a heart attack.
Your blood pressure is at 1500/90mmHg
You blow up like a balloon.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">Eating red meat can raise the risk of type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke and certain cancers, especially colorectal cancer. [[Find out more about the results of eating ‘red meats’|]]</div>
[[‘WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?’|changed]]‘I’m supposed to feel AMAZING!’
You take a look in the mirror.
You’ve turned into a cow.
No… You’ve turned into a GMO cow.
<video src="videos/cow.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You know what they say...
<span class="reddish">"You are what you eat"</span>
‘Funny not funny!’
‘Is there a way I can go back to [[who I was|goback]]?’‘We have a no refund policy, but the therapist might help you at an extra cost.’
'Yes, I’ll do anything to [[go back|Goback]] to who I was!'
'Maybe being a GMO cow is [[not too bad|toobad]]...'Your therapist is a cow.
‘Oh great…’
<div class="characters"> ‘So you’re here because you would like to go back to your old self.’</div>
‘Yes please help me!’
<div class="characters"> ‘There is one simple way to return to your true self…’
‘Plus the session will be at no charge if you succeed to do what I say.’
'You have to let go of your past.'
'Look where it got you!'
'Why can't you appreciate and see the good things present today?’
‘There are so many which you can be grateful for...’
‘Clean air, clean oceans, extensive forests, balanced temperatures and a thriving ecosystem.’
‘After 47 years, you finally live in a world where everyone is equal and healthy.’
‘Where there’s peace and justice...’
‘So all you have to do, is promise to focus on the current good things and you’ll be cured’</div>
[[‘I promise’|promise3]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "therapy" volume 0.2 play loop>>'What is going to happen to me if I stay a GMO cow?'
'You’ll stay here and be the next person’s meal.'
[['Ok, I’ll pay for the therapy'|Goback]]
[['I accept this fate!'|fate]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "acceptfate" volume 0.2 play >><img src= "images/backhome.png" alt="sunset" width="700" height="600"/>
You go back home changed.
Not just because for a moment you were turned into a cow.
But you've never been the REAL you like you are right now.
The part you were most scared about has come…
You tell Chickita and HolyCow the real reason why you were away and how the journey actually became a self-discovery trip in the end.
Because they’re kind and care about you, they forgive you.
You live your life the way you promised
You’re finally [[free]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "gobackhome" volume 0.2 play loop>>You live as a GMO cow for 2 days 3 hours and 43 seconds.
You are someone’s meal.
<video src="videos/eatingmeat.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
[[Go back and choose differently|toobad]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "failsong" volume 0.2 play >>‘I’m supposed to feel AMAZING!’
You take a look in the mirror.
You’ve turned into a cow.
No… You’ve turned into a GMO cow.
<video src="videos/cow.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You know what they say…
<span class="reddish">"You are what you eat"</span>
‘Funny not funny!’
‘Is there a way I can go back to [[who I was|goback]]?’<div class="characters"> 'Very well...'
‘You have to let go of your past and appreciate the amazing things present now.’
‘There are so many things to be grateful today.’
‘Clean air, clean oceans, extensive forests, balanced temperatures and a thriving ecosystem.’
‘After 47 years, you finally live in a world where everyone is equal and healthy.’
‘Where there’s peace and justice’
‘All you have to do is promise to focus on the current good things and you’ll be cured’</div>
[[‘I promise’]]You take your first bite.
<video src="videos/heartbeat.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
Your cholesterol level is at 5000.
You feel like you’re having a heart attack
Your blood pressure is at 1500/90mmHg
You blow up like a balloon.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">Meats such as bacon, sausages and ham have been preserved by curing, smoking, salting, or adding chemical preservatives. There are three chemicals such as haem, nitrites and nitrates, heterocyclic amines and polycyclic amines found in processed meat that have been linked to cancer. [[Find out more about the results of eating ‘processed meats’|]]</div>
[[‘WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?’|changed2]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "heartbeat" volume 0.2 play loop>>‘I’m supposed to feel AMAZING!’
You take a look in the mirror.
You’ve turned into a pig.
No… You’ve turned into a GMO pig.
<video src="videos/pig.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You know what they say…
<span class="reddish">"You are what you eat"</span>
‘Funny not funny!’
‘Is there a way I can go back to [[who I was|goback3]]?’‘We have a no refund policy, but the therapist might help you at an extra cost.’
'Yes, I’ll do anything to [[go back|option1]] to who I was!'
'Maybe being a GMO pig is [[not too bad|option2]]...'Your therapist is a pig.
‘Oh great…’
‘So you’re here because you would like to go back to your old self.’
‘Yes please help me!’
‘There is one simple way to return to your true self…’
‘Plus the session will be at no charge if you succeed to do what I say.’
'You have to let go of your past.'
'Look where it got you!'
'Why can't you appreciate and see the good things present today?’
‘There are so many which you can be grateful for...’
‘Clean air, clean oceans, extensive forests, balanced temperatures and a thriving ecosystem.’
‘After 47 years, you finally live in a world where everyone is equal and healthy.’
‘Where there’s peace and justice...’
‘So all you have to do, is promise to focus on the current good things and you’ll be cured’
[[‘I promise’|promise4]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "therapy" volume 0.2 play loop>>'What is going to happen to me if I stay a GMO pig?'
'You’ll stay here and be the next person’s meal.'
[['Ok, I’ll pay for the therapy'|option1]]
[['I accept this fate!'|fate2]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "acceptfate" volume 0.2 play >>You live as a GMO pig for 2 days 3 hours and 43 seconds.
You are someone’s meal.
<video src="videos/eatingmeat.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
[[Go back and choose differently|option2]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "failsong" volume 0.2 play >><img src= "images/backhome.png" alt="sunset" width="700" height="600"/>
You go back home changed.
Not just because for a moment you were turned into a pig.
But you've never been the REAL you like you are right now.
The part you were most scared about has come…
You tell Chickita and HolyCow the real reason why you were away and how the journey actually became a self-discovery trip in the end.
Because they’re kind and care about you, they forgive you.
You live your life the way you promised
You’re finally [[free]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "gobackhome" volume 0.2 play loop>>You’re about to have meat after 47 years.
You start salivating just by looking at it.
You smell it
You touch it.
[[You are ready to take your first bite|lab1]]
[[You don’t want it anymore|lab2]]You’re about to have meat after 47 years.
You start salivating just by looking at it.
You smell it
You touch it.
[[You are ready to take your first bite|bitelab2]]
[[You don’t want it anymore|notlab2]]You’re about to have meat after 47 years.
You start salivating just by looking at it.
You smell it
You touch it.
[[You are ready to take your first bite|bitelab3]]
[[You don’t want it anymore|notlab3]]<video src="videos/heartbeat.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
Your cholesterol level is at 5000.
You feel like you’re having a heart attack
Your blood pressure is at 1500/90mmHg
You blow up like a balloon.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">"In addition to fat and cholesterol, food poisoning is a major problem." [[Find out more about the results of eating ‘lean meats’|]]</div>
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "heartbeat" volume 0.5 play loop>>Something about it doesn’t attract you anymore.
No matter how far you’ve travelled.
No matter how much thinking about it consumes you.
You just can’t eat it.
[['I'm not eating it.'|lab4]]
'Nah who am I kidding?' [[Eat it.|lab11]]‘I’m supposed to feel AMAZING!’
You take a look in the mirror.
You’ve turned into a chicken.
No… You’ve turned into a lab chicken.
<video src="videos/chicken.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You know what they say…
<span class="reddish">"You are what you eat"</span>
‘Funny not funny!’
‘Is there a way I can go back to [[who I was|lab6]]?’Suddenly there’s a bright light blinding you.
<video src="videos/light.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You see the silhouette of a chicken.
It’s the God of Chickens.
<div class="characters"> ‘I want to congratulate you for your choice’
'I can cure you from your disease in exchange for something simple'</div>
[['I'll do it!'|lab10]]
[['Hmm...I'll have the meat'|lab11]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "heaven" volume 0.2 play >><div class="characters"> ‘We have a no refund policy, but the therapist might help you at an extra cost.’</div>
'Yes, I’ll do anything to [[go back|go back]] to who I was!'
'Maybe being a lab chicken is [[not too bad|lab8]]...''What is going to happen to me if I stay a lab chicken?'
'You’ll stay here and be the next person’s meal.'
[['Ok, I’ll pay for the therapy'|go back]]
[['I accept this fate!'|fatelab1]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "acceptfate" volume 0.2 play >>You live as a lab chicken for 2 days 3 hours and 43 seconds.
You are someone’s meal.
<video src="videos/eatingmeat.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
[[Go back and choose differently|lab8]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "failsong" volume 0.2 play >><div class="characters"> 'Very well...'
‘All you have to do is let go of your past and appreciate the amazing things present now.’
‘There are so many things to be grateful today.’
‘Clean air, clean oceans, extensive forests, balanced temperatures and a thriving ecosystem.’
‘After 47 years, you finally live in a world where everyone is equal and healthy.’
‘Where there’s peace and justice’
‘All you have to do is promise to focus on the current good things and you’ll be cured’</div>
[[‘I promise’]]You take your first bite.
<video src="videos/heartbeat.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
Your cholesterol level is at 5000.
You feel like you’re having a heart attack.
Your blood pressure is at 1500/90mmHg.
You blow up like a balloon.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">"In addition to fat and cholesterol, food poisoning is a major problem." [[Find out more about the results of eating ‘lean meats’|]]</div>
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "heartbeat" volume 0.5 play loop>>‘I’m supposed to feel AMAZING!’
You take a look in the mirror.
You’ve turned into a chicken.
No… You’ve turned into a lab chicken.
<video src="videos/chicken.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You know what they say…
<span class="reddish">"You are what you eat"</span>
‘Funny not funny!’
‘Is there a way I can go back to [[who I was|lab6]]?’<video src="videos/heartbeat.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
Your cholesterol level is at 5000.
You feel like you’re having a heart attack
Your blood pressure is at 1500/90mmHg
You blow up like a balloon.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">Eating red meat can raise the risk of type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke and certain cancers, especially colorectal cancer. [[Find out more about the results of eating ‘red meats’.|]]</div>
[[‘WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?’|changedlab2]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "heartbeat" volume 0.5 play loop>>Something about it doesn’t attract you anymore.
No matter how far you’ve travelled.
No matter how much thinking about it consumes you.
You just can’t eat it.
[['I'm not eating it.'|nolab2]]
'Nah who am I kidding?' [[Eat it.|yeslab2]]‘I’m supposed to feel AMAZING!’
You take a look in the mirror.
You’ve turned into a cow.
No… You’ve turned into a lab cow.
<video src="videos/cow.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You know what they say…
<span class="reddish">"You are what you eat"</span>
‘Funny not funny!’
‘Is there a way I can go back to [[who I was|backtolab2]]?’Suddenly there’s a bright light blinding you.
<video src="videos/light.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You see the silhouette of a cow.
It’s the God of Cows.
‘I want to congratulate you for your choice’
'I can cure you from your disease in exchange for something simple'
[['I'll do it!'|promiselab2]]
[['Hmm...I'll have the meat'|yeslab2]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "heaven" volume 0.2 play >><video src="videos/heartbeat.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You take the first bite.
Your cholesterol level is at 5000.
You feel like you’re having a heart attack
Your blood pressure is at 1500/90mmHg
You blow up like a balloon.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">Eating red meat can raise the risk of type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke and certain cancers, especially colorectal cancer. [[Find out more about the results of eating ‘red meats’.|]]</div>
[[‘WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?’|changedlab2]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "heartbeat" volume 0.5 play loop>>'Very well...'
‘All you have to do is let go of your past and appreciate the amazing things present now.’
‘There are so many things to be grateful today.’
‘Clean air, clean oceans, extensive forests, balanced temperatures and a thriving ecosystem.’
‘After 47 years, you finally live in a world where everyone is equal and healthy.’
‘Where there’s peace and justice’
‘All you have to do is promise to focus on the current good things and you’ll be cured’
[[‘I promise’]]<div class="characters"> ‘We have a no refund policy, but the therapist might help you at an extra cost.’</div>
'Yes, I’ll do anything to [[go back|Goback]] to who I was!'
'Maybe being a lab cow is [[not too bad|badlab2]]...''What is going to happen to me if I stay a lab cow?'
<div class="characters"> 'You’ll stay here and be the next person’s meal.'</div>
[['Ok, I’ll pay for the therapy'|Goback]]
[['I accept this fate!'|fatelab2]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "acceptfate" volume 0.2 play >><video src="videos/heartbeat.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
Your cholesterol level is at 5000.
You feel like you’re having a heart attack.
Your blood pressure is at 1500/90mmHg.
You blow up like a balloon.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">Meats such as bacon, sausages and ham have been preserved by curing, smoking, salting, or adding chemical preservatives. There are three chemicals such as haem, nitrites and nitrates, heterocyclic amines and polycyclic amines found in processed meat that have been linked to cancer. [[Find out more about the results of eating ‘processed meats’|]]</div>
[[‘WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?’|changedlab3]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "heartbeat" volume 0.5 play loop>>Something about it doesn’t attract you anymore.
No matter how far you’ve travelled.
No matter how much thinking about it consumes you.
You just can’t eat it.
[['I'm not eating it.'|nolab3]]
'Nah who am I kidding?' [[Eat it.|yeslab3]]Suddenly there’s a bright light blinding you.
<video src="videos/light.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You see the silhouette of a cow.
It’s the God of Cows.
<div class="characters"> ‘I want to congratulate you for your choice’
'I can cure you from your disease in exchange for something simple'</div>
[['I'll do it!'|promiselab3]]
[['Hmm...I'll have the meat'|yeslab3]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "heaven" volume 0.2 play >>You take your first bite.
<video src="videos/heartbeat.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
Your cholesterol level is at 5000.
You feel like you’re having a heart attack.
Your blood pressure is at 1500/90mmHg.
You blow up like a balloon.
<div class="fact">Fact</div><div class="facts">Meats such as bacon, sausages and ham have been preserved by curing, smoking, salting, or adding chemical preservatives. There are three chemicals such as haem, nitrites and nitrates, heterocyclic amines and polycyclic amines found in processed meat that have been linked to cancer. [[Find out more about the results of eating ‘processed meats’.|]]</div>
[[‘WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?’|changedlab3]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "heartbeat" volume 0.5 play loop>>‘I’m supposed to feel AMAZING!’
You take a look in the mirror.
You’ve turned into a pig.
No… You’ve turned into a lab pig.
<video src="videos/pig.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You know what they say…
<span class="reddish">"You are what you eat"</span>
‘Funny not funny!’
‘Is there a way I can go back to [[who I was|backtolab3]]?’<div class="characters"> 'Very well...'
‘All you have to do is let go of your past and appreciate the amazing things present now.’
‘There are so many things to be grateful today.’
‘Clean air, clean oceans, extensive forests, balanced temperatures and a thriving ecosystem.’
‘After 47 years, you finally live in a world where everyone is equal and healthy.’
‘Where there’s peace and justice’
‘All you have to do is promise to focus on the current good things and you’ll be cured’</div>
[[‘I promise’]]<div class="characters"> ‘We have a no refund policy, but the therapist might help you at an extra cost.’</div>
'Yes, I’ll do anything to [[go back|option1]] to who I was!'
'Maybe being a lab pig is [[not too bad|badlab3]]...''What is going to happen to me if I stay a lab cow?'
<div class="characters"> 'You’ll stay here and be the next person’s meal.'</div>
[['Ok, I’ll pay for the therapy'|option1]]
[['I accept this fate!'|fatelab3]]You live as a lab cow for 2 days 3 hours and 43 seconds.
You are someone’s meal.
<video src="videos/eatingmeat.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
[[Go back and choose differently|badlab2]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "failsong" volume 0.2 play >>You live as a lab pig for 2 days 3 hours and 43 seconds.
You are someone’s meal.
<video src="videos/eatingmeat.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
[[Go back and choose differently|badlab3]]
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "failsong" volume 0.2 play loop>><<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "intro.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "intro" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "suspensfulmusic.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "suspensfulmusic" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "meet.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "meet" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "chicken.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "chicken" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "cow.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "cow" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "sadsong.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sadsong" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "forest.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "forest" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "smell.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "smell" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "sneeze.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sneeze" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "swim.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "swim" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "underwater.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "underwater" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "shark.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "shark" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "dolphin.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "dolphin" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "bottle.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bottle" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "smell.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "smell" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "sneeze.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sneeze" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "vampire.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "vampire" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "treasure.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "treasure" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "transition.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "transition" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "zipper.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "zipper" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "door.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "door" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "knock.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "knock" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "toaster.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "toaster" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "coffee.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "coffee" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "beesbackground.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "beesbackground" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "stung.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "stung" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "apple.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "apple" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "agave.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "agave" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "clothes.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "clothes" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "evillaugh.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "evillaugh" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "buy.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "buy" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "jungle.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "jungle" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "field.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "field" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "hunt.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "hunt" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "notification.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "notification" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "difficulttraining.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "difficulttraining" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "ohno.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ohno" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "hypnotized.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "hypnotized" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "slap.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "slap" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "showcircus.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "circusshow" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "applause.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "applause" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "christmasintro.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "christmasintro" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "piano.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "piano" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "enjoyholidays.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "enjoyholidays" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "merrychristmas.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "merrychristmas" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "failsong.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "failsong" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "elevator.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "elevator" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "temple.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "temple" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "therapy.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "therapy" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "heartbeat.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "heartbeat" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "heaven.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "heaven" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "acceptfate.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "acceptfate" _bgm>>
<<set _bgm = setup.SoundPath + "gobackhome.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "gobackhome" _bgm>>
<div class="decoration-i">✦</div>
<div class="decoration-ii">✦</div>
<div class="decoration-iii">✦</div>
<div class="decoration-v">✦</div>
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<li> [[About]] </li>
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<li> [[Documentation]] </li>
<img src="images/title.png" alt="logo" border="0" width="250" height="50"><!-- STORY BANNER/LOGO POPULATED HERE -->
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<<link "Settings">><<run UI.settings();>><</link>></h1>
<div class=“logo-image”><img src="images/gamelogo.png" alt="logo" border="0" width="500" height="500"></div>Below you can find all of the facts listed throughout the entire story (from all paths) from the corresponding chapters.
!Chapter I: The Appaling thought
1. Chickens and humans are more alike than you think. To be more precise, humans are 60% the same as chickens. [[Read more about how chickens are anxious, handle loss and have a complex range of emotions.|]]
2. Not many know that cows get depressed, mourn the loss of a close friend and have advanced communication systems. [[Find out more about how cows relate to people.|]]
3. Around 13,100 deaths as a result of air pollution could be prevented every year. [[Learn more about the biggest source that’s causing air pollution.|]]
4. Around 13,100 deaths as a result of air pollution could be prevented every year. [[Learn more about the biggest source that’s causing air pollution.|]]
5. Forests regulate carbon in the atmosphere and help ecosystems thrive. Without them, the water we drink, the food we eat and the air we breathe is negatively impacted. [[Find out what’s the biggest thing that can reduce up to 55% of deforestation.|]]
6. "Ammonia, a toxic form of nitrogen released in gas form during waste disposal, can be carried more than 300 miles through the air before being dumped back onto the ground or into the water, where it causes algal blooms and fish kills." [[Find out what is the biggest source polluting our oceans.|]]
7. "The rising atmospheric temperature is raising global ocean temperatures leading to widespread coral bleaching. Bleaching slows coral growth, makes them susceptible to disease, and leads to large-scale reef die-off." [[Find out what is the leading cause of this issue.|]]
8. "Nearly 1/3 (29%) of all the fresh water in the world today" is being used irrationally. [[Find out what it is the most water intensive practice.|]]
9. "Seaweed farming is often considered as the least environmentally damaging form of aquaculture. Requires little or no input of fertilisers, fresh water resources, or medicines. It gets all it needs from its’ environment. Nori is an excellent source of iodine and might help reduce cholesterol levels. Iodine is an essential micronutrient because your body cannot make iodine – and it is essential for the production of thyroid hormones." [[Learn more about the benefits of nori and why you should consume it.|]]
[[Recipe for a delicious chuna sandwhich.|]]
10. "Spirulina is one of the world’s most environmentally efficient crops. It produces twenty times more protein per acre than other commonly grown crops such as corn and even soybeans while using ten times less water to produce it. Algae can be grown quickly, almost anywhere, and in a way that reduces greenhouse gases without putting pressure on the environment. Spirulina is crowned a superfood due to the high concentration of vitamins, including vitamins A, C, E and B vitamins, as well as minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc and selenium." [[Learn more about this sutainable superfood.|]]
[[Recipe for a delicious spirulina smoothie.|]]
11. "Shark populations have declined by more than 70% over the past 50 years." Additionally, more than 90 species of marine fishes are threatened with extinction, according to a report published by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). [[Find out what’s the source leading to their extinction.|]]
12.[["90% of dolphins are being killed."|]] Additionally, more than 90 species of marine fishes are threatened with extinction, according to a report published by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). [[Find out what’s the source leading to their extinction.|]]
!Chapter II: No control
1. Chickpeas have protein as well as [[fiber, iron and calcium|]]
[[Recipe for a delicious chickpea omelet|]]
2. Tofu has protein as well as [[essential amino acids|]]
[[Recipe for a delicious tofu omelet|]]
3. "Eggs have long been popular among health-conscious people because of their high-quality protein. They’re one of the most important foods when you want to grow muscles and get strong, right? But we are missing something important." [[Find out what it is that you might not know about eggs.|]]
almonds have [[calcium as well as healthy fats, fiber and vitamins|]].
[[Recipe for delicious simple homemade almond milk.|]]
4. Oats have [[calcium as well as fiber and protein|]]
[[Recipe for delicious simple homemade oat milk.|]]
5. [[Coconuts contain phosphorus|]] which contributes to strong bones.
[[Recipe for delicious and simple homemade coconut milk.|]]
6. [["Humans didn’t start out being able to digest animal milk"|]] [[In fact, 68% of the world’s population has lactose malabsorption.|]] [[Find out why so many people are intolerant to milk|]] and about [[the outcome of drinking milk|]]
!Chapter III: A sweet treat
1. "It takes one bee a lifetime to produce just one twelfth of a teaspoon of honey." [[Find out the real reason why bees make honey and who is meant to consume it.|]]
!Chapter IV: Do it for fashion
1. "Leather requires massive amounts of energy and dangerous chemicals, including mineral salts, formaldehyde, coaltar derivatives, and various oils, dyes, and finishes, some of them cyanide-based. Most leather produced in the U.S. is chrome-tanned, and all wastes containing chromium are considered hazardous by the The Environmental Protection Agency. Tannery effluent contains large amounts of pollutants, such as salt, lime sludge, sulfides, and acids." [[Find out more about the unglamorous side of leather.|]]
2. "The production of fur imposes significant adverse impacts on both the environment and human health. Far from being a natural resource, fur production is an intensely toxic and energy-consumptive process. Several European advertising standards committees have ruled that advertising fur as environmentally friendly is false and misleading." [[Find out more about the unglamourous side of fur.|]]
3. [["Known for keeping people warm and being itchy, wool is a common material used in clothing."|]] But is wool as harmless and warm as it feels on your skin when wearing it? [[Find out about the ‘not so cozy’ side of wool.|]]
4. "Animals including rabbits, minks, goats, foxes, crocodiles, alpacas, llamas, kangaroos, and even dogs and cats are coveted by the fashion industry. Their fur and skins are used to make various ‘luxurious’ clothing items."|]] But why is this still going on when there are already plenty of other alternatives? [[Find out which are the endagered species as a consequence of fashion practices|]]
5. "Pineapple leather is a leather alternative made from cellulose fibres extracted from pineapple leaves, PLA (Polylactic Acid), and petroleum-based resin. Pineapple leather is strong, durable, flexible, light and breathable. It can do the majority of things that regular leather can do, but, more importantly, it has a lower enviromental impact." [[Find out more about how pinapple leaves are turned into sustaibale leather.|]]
6. Hemp is incredibly versatile. Along with having numerous health benefits, it is a terrific replacement for unsustainable materials like plastic and cotton. It’s also a suitable fabric of choice for animal-derived fur alternatives. [[Read more about fur alternatives.|]] Hemp is a great choice for sustainable knitwear: as it doesn't require pesticides or herbicides, it is perfect for organic farming. It is also the least water-intensive material of all natural fibres.Find out which are the sustainable wool alternatives.|]]
!Chapter V: The entertainment
1. A brown bear was punished for having trouble balancing on the wire. "She became so neurotic that she would beat her head against her small cage…" [[Find out more about what circus animals go through|]]
2. Circus animals undergo training methods and perform unnatural acts. "Horses are trained to walk backwards on their hind legs with tight reins forcing the neck into a supposedly attractive, artificial position." [[Find out more about what circus animals go through|]]
3. "Researchers from the University of Bristol have concluded that circuses fail to provide some of the most basic welfare needs of wild animals, such as space and social groups. Neither natural environment nor much natural behaviour can be recreated." [[Learn more about the animals’ circus life|]]
4. "Countless marine animals are taken from their rightful ocean homes and placed in tanks." Animals in "petting pools" are frequently exposed to foreign bacteria and other pathogens”. [[Find out more about what animals in marine parks go thorugh.|]]
5. "Frequently housed with incompatible tankmates, dolphins, whales, and other marine mammals are often drugged in order to manage stress-induced aggressive behavior and relieve the endless monotony of swimming in circles." [[Find out more about what animals in marine parks go through|]]
6. "Orcas break their teeth chewing on the metal bars and concrete sides of their tanks and are forced to perform tricks for tourists in exchange for food—all in the name of entertainment." [[Find out more about what animals in marine parks go through|]]
!Chapter VI: New Traditions
1. [[Recipe for a delicious pumpkin pie|]]
2. [[Recipe for a delicious stuffed butternut squash|]]
3. [[Recipe for a delicious nut roast|]]
4. [[Recipe for a delicious apple pie|]]
5. Traditional foods are a wholly uniting factor but culture and traditions are not just about food and activities. [[Find out more about what traditions are about.|]]
6. By not eating a certain traditional dish or engaging in a cultural activity does not mean you’re turning your back on tradition or committing cultural blasphemy.
[[Find out more about creating new traditions.|]]
!Chapter VII: The Cure
1. "It may sound like science-fiction, but meat grown in a laboratory is fast-becoming a reality, and lab-grown or ‘clean meat’ may soon be on the menu as companies around the world compete to be the first to commercially launch" Would you feel more comfortable in a laboratory rather than in a slaughterhouse? [[Learn more about how cultured meat is created|]] and if it’s [[different from GMO meat|]]
2. "In addition to fat and cholesterol, food poisoning is a major problem." [[Find out more about the results of eating ‘lean meats’|]]
3. Eating red meat can raise the risk of type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke and certain cancers, especially colorectal cancer. [[Find out more about the results of eating ‘red meats’|]]
4. Meats such as bacon, sausages and ham have been preserved by curing, smoking, salting, or adding chemical preservatives. There are three chemicals such as haem, nitrites and nitrates, heterocyclic amines and polycyclic amines found in processed meat that have been linked to cancer. [[Find out more about the results of eating ‘processed meats’|]]
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!Discover different paths from the story
<<button "Play again" "Start" >><</button>>!Welcome to Vegutopia!
Vegutopia is an interactive fictional story about a speculative ‘vegan world’, where the word vegan doesn’t even exist because it’s the norm. There are no animal derived products, as animals are humanized, being able to talk and be rational. The sources of inspiration were the mockumentary [["Carnage"|]] by Simon Amstell, which is about a speculative vegan world where people reflect and try to heal from past habits (e.g. eating meat), while the new generation tries to understand the rationale behind those, and the film trilogy titled [["The Meatrix"|]], which is a series of educational and humurous animations that illustrate animals explaining the life of a 'farm pig' or 'dairy cow' from their point of view.
Currently, what we call 'veganism' or 'being vegan' is a lifestyle which people adopt for various reasons such as health benefits, animal welfare, sustainability or trendiness. In spite of its fast growth, veganism is still considered to be deviant from the mainstream consumerism of animal products. On top of this, many people misunderstand the concept and resume it to being just a type of diet, when in fact, it’s so much more than that.
Therefore, the purpose of this narrative game is to give a better understanding of the ideology behind veganism and normalise the concept of veganism, as it is something which lays at the roots of human history. We're just redescovering this long-established practice and putting labels on it rather than inventing it. The story seeks to reflect the strong relationship between people and animals and teach moral values through trying to 'see things' from animals' perspective. The goal is not to shame meat eaters. It is meant to be an educational and lighthearted experience.
While veganism adresses important global issues, it is usually portrayed in a negative context by showing triggering visual content. Additionally, the language used, intends to persuade and shame meat eaters, resulting in many people being against it and considering veganism something 'invented' and far from normal. Hence why I wanted to experiment more of a mundane, fictional approach which would allow me to adopt a lighthearted attitude.
The interactive story is composed from three main elements: text, animations and sounds.The animations, which were hand drawn digitally on the 'Animations' app, the sounds, which were downloaded from [[FreeSound|]], and the text were all adapted and put together in [[Twine|]], using the Sugarcube 2.34.1 format. Because Twine is an open-source tool specifically built for telling interactive, nonlinear stories, it allowed the implementation of "different options" that are called passages. In order to extend the story and improve the default interface, variables, conditional logic, images, animations, sounds, CSS, and JavaScript were added.
The narrative was built using two strategies: the [[3-Act Structure|]] and [[The Hero's Journey|]], and using the second person point of view in which the reader becomes the main character, addressed as "you" throughout the story and being immersed in the narrative. However, dialogues and player choices contain first-person pronouns like 'I' and 'mine' to strenghten the immersive experience.
This project is intended to be part of the [[Future Normal|]] campaign. Currently, the website features a [[quiz game|]], however, considering what the campaign is trying to achieve, it needs a stronger gamified element in order to send its message effectively.
After finishing the game, the players are encouraged to play it from the beginning or revisit chapters and make different choices than in the previous one. This will provide further knowledge and strenghten the understanding of veganism and related subjects.
<<button "Play" "Play">><</button>><div class="fact">Bonus</div><div class="facts">[[Recipe for a delicious nut roast|]]</div>
Nut roast is your favorite.
You have it every year for Christmas.
This will for sure get you in the festive spirit.
<video src="videos/deliveroopig.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
You're delivery is here!
A pig is delivering your food.
[[Dig in|Enjoy]]<div class="fact">Bonus</div><div class="facts">[[Recipe for a delicious apple pie|]]</div>
Apple pie is your favorite.
You have it every year for Christmas.
This will for sure get you in the festive spirit.
<video src="videos/deliveroopig.mp4" autoplay loop muted align="center"></video>
Your delivery is here!
A pig is delivering your food.
[[Dig in|Enjoy it]]<a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-instagram-square"></i></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-tumblr"></i></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-pinterest"></i></a>Reading the [[About]] section is recommended.
In order to cure your mental disease you go on the adventure to find the cure. Throughout the journey, you will be put in different instances and will interact with different characters. You will have to choose one of the options highlighted in this <font color="#38A1F9">colour</font>. The choices you make will shape your personalised game experience.
The other characters' lines will be highlighted in this <font color="#F9C738">colour</font>.
The story is based on real facts, events and circumstances. Along the game, those facts will be highlighted and will include links to external sources (which have this [[icon and colour|]]) containing scientific information. For your convinience, all of the source links are available on the [[Documentation]] page. Additionally, there will be <font color="#38A1F9">'Bonus'</font> links which will be highlighted in the same manner as the facts.
From the <<link "Settings">><<run UI.settings();>><</link>> you can choose your preferred font (includes a font which is suitable for dyslexia), the size of your text and a Light/Dark mode.
Full screen format and headphones are recommended for the best immersive experience.
!Ready to Meat the Future?
<<button [[Start]] >><</button>>